Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Atlantis: 90 Miles from Key West

Isn't this such a great analogy..... and an allusion. So I was thinking that Cuba is Atlantis, in a metaphorical sense. If you don't know what Atlantis is then I guess you never saw that cartoon with Micheal J. Fox as the voice of the main character that came out in like 2000. Well... for those of you who don't know what Atlantis is its a lost city. It was some major Greek city that "sunk into the sea" although this is most likely untrue/ a myth. I don't believe that there is an Atlantis, but there is a real Greek that sunk into the sea, Helike. I have no idea how I found this out although I think it was because of wikipedia. Now you may be thinking that it isn't real that some person just made it up, but there is no person who would have the time to make up an entire Greek city and archaeological evidence. So there actually is a city that sunk into the sea. So back to my analogy/allusion. Cuba is Atlantis because it was a utopia, at least to the rich people. In the book it goes so far as to compare it to Eden. That is going a little to far to call Cuba Eden, but it defiantly is like Atlantis. Cuba is the once great country that has "sunk" from the rest of the world. Apparently there are three ways to erase a city from existence; call Zeus, get an earthquake, or make an embargo. If you wondering whether or not I support the embargo then here is your answer..... I am Republican. Somethings have to be solved with actions not words. I don't think peace talks between a Communist dictator and the president would have changed this. So Cuba, the once great country has sunk drowning its people with it. I feel bad for the Cubans who don't want this, but it was the only way to really stop communism in Cuba. Although clearly this isn't over it will end. Just look at whats left of communism. this proves that if you don't support something it will end. In conclusion Cuba is Atlantas without Micheal J. Fox.

Comment about whether you agree....... you do and about how origonal my analogy is. If anyone takes this analogy than there jerks:)JK. I don't know why I added a smily because I hate when people do that I just didn't want people to that i meant that I was mad.

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